What constitutes a good landing page?

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What is a good landing page?
There are many good websites out there, but one big mistake many make is that the product it is advertised for gets lost in the crowd. Therefore, it is important that visitors quickly get the impression that they are on the right track.
The landing page should be as similar as possible to the main page so that the customer understands that the page belongs to the company and thus does not feel insecure and in the worst case leaves the website. It is important that the landing page has a connection with what the company offers in the ads.
Headlines make sales
A good landing page contains headlines that get visitors to read on. Here it is important to go straight to the point and present content that the reader is looking for so that you feel like reading on.

Subtitles should have content that makes the reader stay on the website so that you achieve the result you have set in advance.
A good landing page should convert sales, and if it does not, it must be changed as soon as possible.
Clear and simple landing page
The landing page should not contain too much unnecessary text and it is important to keep it clear and simple. It is therefore important to have a good marketing plan before making the landing page. Below we present some points that are important to think about:
- What products do I sell?
- What do I want to achieve?
- Most similar to the ad / campaign
- Visible logo for the company
- Preferably avoid using forms
Do not break the law
Previously, it was common for companies to have a form on the website or landing page where the customer entered name, email address, telephone number, etc. This is according to the much talked about GDPR (the new privacy regulation) not in accordance with the updated Personal Data Act which came into force in Norway 20 July 2018.
Such a form may contain personal information that the company does not need about the customer, and the new law points out that one should not process personal information that one does not need.
If you still need a form on the website, it is important to have a check box where the customer approves that the company processes personal information entered in the form.
Simple contact information
It is best to only have a telephone number or email address where the customer can contact the company, instead of having a form where the customer enters their information. Here you can have a small text field where customers can leave their phone number, so that the company can get in touch when it suits them.
Below is a main page. Here the reader immediately gets an overview of what we do and what services they offer.